What We Do

DMD follows the disciple-making multiplication model Jesus started and commissioned His followers to continue.

He preached the good news of the Kingdom throughout His region. Then He discipled those who were receptive to His message by spending time with them, teaching, training, and eventually sending them out to do the same.

He made disciples who were equipped to make disciples, resulting in exponential growth. After Pentecost, this Spirit-led disciple-making movement naturally resulted in multiplying disciples, multiplying churches, multiplying leaders, and a Gospel-witness which permeated throughout Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and beyond.

DMD works to accomplish the mission through four primary ways: Discipleship Training, Church Planting, Leadership Development, and Mercy Ministries.

Discipleship Training

Believers gather in a house church or cell group where they learn how to develop a deeper relationship with Christ, follow Him, and are trained to become disciples who will make other disciples.

Bible Study Asia (BSA) is the main vehicle used in the house church networks to disciple and train believers for the work of the ministry. Through BSA, believers are:

Envisioned – Believers learn about God’s purpose, plan, and their part in His mission where He has placed them to reach the lost with the Gospel (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

Equipped – Believers learn to meet with God daily, pray, and grow in His Word, using guided inductive Bible study material which trains in Observation, Interpretation, and most importantly Application, at a very simple level, equipping them to be an effective Gospel-witness and disciple-maker (Matthew 28:19; 2 Timothy 3:16-17).

Mobilized – Believers are encouraged to share what they learn from their studies with unbelievers and taught how to evangelize in both word and action. They understand their responsibility to make disciples and spread the Gospel in their families, communities, schools, workplaces, and everywhere they go (Acts 1:8).

Church Planting

As people come to Christ in an unreached area, they form a house church. The church setting is where believers fellowship, serve, grow, mature and become equipped to reach the world.

Following the model of the Church in Acts, house churches are the most effective means for reaching receptive, unreached regions with the Gospel. South Asia contains 25% of the world’s population, with less than 2% Christianity. The only way to reach a nation with such a dense, unreached population is through movements – individual to individual, household to household, neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city, state to state. God’s vehicle for reaching the world is His Church.

Leadership Development

A nucleus of key leaders in each region are trained to oversee and nurture a discipleship movement and reproduce new leaders towards the mobilization of the Church (Ephesians 4:11-12).

Regional leadership teams meet every two months for in person trainings and team building. During these trainings, leaders are taught how to incorporate the mission to which God has called them to as they implement His vision and strategy into their local networks. They are taught basic doctrinal and theological truths every believer needs to know for a firm foundation in the faith. They also learn spiritual formation and develop ministry skills to better equip and establish their church networks (2 Timothy 2:2).

Mercy Ministries

Mercy Ministries focus on reaching out to some of the practical needs of the community, preaching Christ in both word and action. We come alongside house church networks to support them with ministries such as village projects, microenterprises, and educational programs, so their communities not only hear the Gospel, but see it in action as well (James 2:14-18; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15).

Village Projects

Village projects help families living below the poverty line by meeting practical needs while sharing the love of Christ. We provide water filters where there is no pure water source to prevent disease and water pumps in villages that have no water source close by. Goats and chickens are also provided with the intent to breed them to generate a small income, enabling villagers to acquire most of their basic needs and become more self-sufficient.


These little businesses help marginalized families and widowed mothers with children, providing them the opportunity to generate a small income to support their families.

Resources are provided to learn tailoring to sell clothing or to learn basic skills such as pickling to start small shops for food stands, with the purpose of providing for their family.

Educational Programs

Educational programs help poor and uneducated communities by providing tutoring, literacy, and school sponsorship programs, empowering them to learn, develop, and thrive.

Childrens Bible & Tutoring Programs are offered to children of uneducated parents to help them excel in school. In locations where illiteracy is high, literacy programs are offered to teach people to read and write using the Bible. We also sponsor girls rescued from human trafficking, providing them an opportunity to go to school, and covering their basic needs for food, uniform and medical costs.